Monday, October 12, 2009


Sabbaths are not
relegated to Sunday,

or Friday.

Each moment
in our lives
can be a Sabbath.

Organized religion
has no control
over the multitude

of Sabbaths
to us.

c. Douglas Fireman

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fire Elephants

Did you ever see an elephant
in the fire's flickering flame?
I told my wife about my sighting

she laughed
saying, "You're insane!"
But there they were,

and that's the gospel truth.
I grabbed my camera
and snapped a pic.

"Here's my proof," I said
snuggling up to her in bed.
She rolled her eyes,

shook her head,
and with the cutest little grin,
she said...

"what a nut I married."
Knew it,
the day we wed."

c. Douglas Fireman


Created from a bunch of joined leaves.

A bit of color manipulation
and application of paint.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Of all the shapes in that mobile
that twirled
above my crib;

of all the wooden shapes
I used to play with
as a kid, I'll admit

that triangles were my favorite,
I dreamed of them;
I drew them.

would not have been the same
without them:

Isosceles triangles,
equilateral, scalene meant more to me
than smoking dope or even... necking.

Right triangle, acute, obtuse. Even I
began to think my screws
were loose. Without the Shrink

who helped me tighten them,
I'd still be living a triangular

c. Douglas Fireman

By the way, how many triangles
do you see in this photo?


When the table's set
the guests will dance circles
round the diamond center

sing melodies of Eden
before the Fall
serve forbidden fruit

on silver trays
till the break
of dawn.

c. Douglas Fireman